Monday, June 05, 2006

Internet Versions

We have recently launched the Internet versions of the Speex and CompIndex systems. Functionally, the Internet versions have all the features found in the normal LAN versions. There are however, a few additional features, and the payment for the system is different. These are the issues that will be discussed below:

Additional features of the Internet version

The Internet versions of the SpeeX, CompIndex and Job Profiling Expert (JPE) systems work exactly the same as the normal versions of these systems. The only difference is that credits are subtracted whenever a candidate's assessment responses are scored, and when a Job profile is graded.

However, by virtue of the fact that the system connects to our Internet server to perform these tasks, we were able to add some additional functionality not possible in the standard version.

  • The Internet version has a comprehensive on-line help system. When you click on the help button - the latest help file is accessed directly from the internet. This makes it simple and easy for us to keep all users' help files current.
  • A company can register multiple "Locations" from where the system will be used. When registering a user profile per Location, you can specify if the Location should have access to the data from other locations. This feature makes it possible to assess people in one location and view their results in another location. All that is required is to access a simple download candidates function in the system, and choosing the results you want to download to your system. The software keeps track of who was assessed where, and you will only see a list of people that were assessed in different locations.
  • Because we will be collecting vast amounts of data on the Internet server, we envisage a sophisticated norm update service in future releases.
  • We are also planning a Job profile download service, where we make generic job profiles available for download, and fine-tuning for your specific situation.

Payment for Internet version usage:

For the normal version you purchase the system once, and may then use it on an unlimited basis within the organisation for which it was purchased.

The internet version works on a payment per usage basis. It is therefore much cheaper to start out. In addition you may use it to assess people outside of the organisation for which the system was originally purchased, as long as the user of the system has been properly trained.

The annual maintenance levied on users of the normal system, is not applicable to Internet version users. We absorb the maintenance cost within the per usage charge. You may therefore upgrade to the latest version all the time, without incurring any additional costs. When you connect on-line (to score results etc.) the system will also check its version against the one on our server, and alert you of maintenance and critical updates that are available.

Costing of the Internet credits will be on a sliding scale, where users that use the system intensively will pay increasingly less per credit as time goes by.

We also have special starter packs, containing larger numbers of credits, that will be more cost effective for users who intend using the system on a large scale .

Who should use the normal system

Although we intend signing most new users up to the Internet version, We don't envisage that the internet version will be the best option for all users. Organisations who will be assessing large numbers of people, will continue to find the normal version more cost effective, especially if they don't need the benefit of being able to access data from different locations.


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